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Carillon Assisted Living Celebrates National Assisted Living Week 2016

carillon-assisted-living-2016-assisted-living-weekCarillon Assisted Living encourages North Carolinians to celebrate National Assisted Living Week 2016, an annual observance celebrating residents, their loved ones, staff, medical providers, administrators and volunteers of assisted living communities. National Assisted Living Week serves to educate Americans about the important role assisted living has in caring for our seniors.

National Assisted Living Week recognizes assisted living communities are an integral part of every local community, providing a critical support network serving local families. Assisted living communities keep seniors connected and remain an active in their local community.

Established in 1995 by the National Center for Assisted Living, National Assisted Living Week’s 2016 theme is “Keep Connected.” This week focuses on the power of technology, internet and social media to enhance the overall experience of assisted living care.

Seniors are becoming more connected with technology. In 2015, 35% of seniors polled are now using technology to connect to the internet and social media according to a Pew Research Center Study.

Seniors are using social media to connect with immediate family, relatives and friends using social media and email. The internet allows seniors to stay connected with local news and learn about topics that interest them. Both social media and the internet empower seniors living in assisted living communities to communicate with loved ones and virtually participate in social events they may not ordinarily be able to attend.

With a growing number of seniors connected to the internet and social media, security and privacy education for seniors is critical.

Carillon encourages families to connect with their family members at assisted living facilities, enable them to stay connected with you using the internet and social media, and help educate them on user internet security and privacy.

Learn more about National Assisted Living Week by visiting and on social media by using the hashtag #NALW.

In the spirit of National Assisted Living Week, “Keep Connected” with Carillon Assisted Living on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram for all our exciting events, activities and updates!

Posted in Assisted Living, Events Tagged , , , , , , on September 14, 2016

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