Carillon Assisted Living’s Hurricane Matthew Preparation

Carillon Preparation for Hurricane Matthew 2016
As Hurricane Matthew continued its course toward eastern and central North Carolina, Carillon Assisted Living of Southport, located just south of Wilmington, was in full preparation mode.
As hurricane news updates continue coming in, the Carillon Hurricane Preparation Team made up of the Regional Director of Operations, Regional Director of Dining Services, Director of Clinical Services, Facility Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer lead daily calls and stayed in tight coordinated communication prior to and when Hurricane Matthew hit Southport.
The Carillon Hurricane Preparation Team was in direct communication and coordinating with the local Southport Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to:
- Confirm the designated local evacuation site if needed
- Procure diesel fuel if needed
- Confirm the EMS dispatch team has access to Carillon Assisted Living
- EMS contingency transportation van for evacuation as needed
Carillon’s Executive Director, June King, was in direct contact with residents and their family members or responsible parties of residents to provide them with updates on hurricane preparation, an emergency contact number should power be lost and asked if families would like to pick up their loved one before the hurricane made landfall.
Carillon hurricane preparation factors the possibility of power loss and includes:
- Stocking a two-day supply of non-perishable food and water supplies
- Stocking flashlights and batteries
- Having a portable generator and a two-day supply of fuel
- Having Carillon’s community van, checked and fully fueled for transport if needed
- Having emergency contact numbers available (Including EMS, gas and electric)
- Ensuring Carillon staff members can stay overnight to care for residents
- Ensuring printed copies of critical documents in the event of a power loss
- Ensuring medical kits, O2 tanks, medication carts and other medical supplies are audited, checked and ready for use
Carillon Assisted Living strongly encourages you and your family to have a hurricane preparation plan, include many of aspects of Carillon’s hurricane preparation plan, ensure your entire family is aware of what to do, how to respond and where to go before and during a hurricane, regardless of the reported strength and destructive capability of a storm.
For more information visit the National Hurricane Center website for hurricane preparation tips at:
Posted in Assisted Living, Events, News, Resources Tagged Carillon Assisted Living Hurricane Matthew, Hurricane Matthew Preparation on October 10, 2016